Owning Only One Family TV

I am an unapologetic lover of pop culture and so this isn’t an anti-TV tirade. I stumbled on this only because we couldn’t afford multiple TVs with cable when our kids were little.

Life is weird.

Via Flickr Creative Commons, courtesy of smays

Via Flickr Creative Commons, courtesy of smays

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On Reading Gatsby Again, With My Daughter

I was excited F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby was a novel my daughter’s English class was reading this semester. Last year, when her class read my all-time favorite, To Kill a Mockingbird, she and I had wonderful discussions.

I wanted to repeat the experience.

Now, it’s been many years since I read Gatsby. I decided this time I’d read along at the same pace as the class and get the benefit of their discussions in talking with my daughter later.

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