Brass Tacks #4

FlickrBrassTacksMicroassistHappy Friday! I’m switching my posting day because my new work schedule conflicted with posting on Monday.

I didn’t get as much writing done this week because I had paperwork and financial stuff piling up for my husband’s business and some personal and family things that needed my attention. That ol’ balancing act again.

Hopefully, this coming week will be better for writing.

My writing goals last week and what I accomplished:

1. Continue working on scene 37 and rewrite remaining scene sentences and index cards.Β I finished Scene 37 and a big chunk of scene 37A. I wrote out scene sentences and index cards for the new ones I added.

2. Write the next Brass Tacks post. Done

Goals for the coming week:

1. Finish scene 37A and work on scenes 37B and C.

2. Write the next Brass Tacks post.

This entry was posted in Writing.

4 comments on “Brass Tacks #4

  1. Lyn says:

    Ah, yes, the old balancing act. We are a species with a lot of plates in the air. πŸ™‚


  2. D J Mills says:

    I agree that “life happens” and interrupts planned writing time. πŸ™‚
    Well done on getting almost 2 scenes done.
    I finally got a short story finished and edited (as best as I could) and is now ready for my beta reader. πŸ™‚


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