Yes, I’m A Procrastinator

Last month I received a blogging award. At the time, I was so overwhelmed after family sickness, I didn’t do anything about it. Then, I got back to writing on my WIP. And catching up on my blog reading. My youngest daughter had a meltdown. The cat developed a hairball….


Seriously, now…

Thank you, Alanna at Chipper Writer, for giving my blog its first award! (And I apologize that it took so long to do this. My bad. Very bad.)

Here’s the scoop:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Share seven things about yourself.

3. Award up to 15 blogs that you think are deserving.

4. Contact those bloggers and let them know about the award.


Ok, seven things about me:

1. I forget things very easily and live by my calendar and lists.

2. I used to have big hair. Really. Spiral perm and all.

3. My favorite movie is Lord of the Rings. That’s all one big movie, right?

4. My favorite thing to do to feed my soul is read. If I learn something new in the process, that’s even better.

5. I hate exercising because I hate to sweat. (But I do it. It just makes it harder to force myself to get movin’.)

6. I cry during the sad parts of movies. (Don’t even get me started on Steel Magnolias…)

7. When I’m writing, the sign on my door reads:


If you bother me:

The house had better be on fire OR

Your arm is hanging from one sinew and blood is dripping off the ceiling OR

Dad needs to talk to me!

(However, the little darlings still seem to think it doesn’t mean them!) 

I hereby continue this lovely idea by presenting the “I Love This Blog” award to the following:

Diane at DJMills’s Blog

Leah at Unleash the Flying Monkeys!

Kerryn at No Excuses. Just Write.

Tammy at Agrigirl

Again, thanks so much, Alanna – if I could have, I would have awarded one of these to you, as well!

Everybody have a wonderful day!

14 comments on “Yes, I’m A Procrastinator

  1. curiocat says:

    Congrats on your award and to Diane, Leah, Kerryn and Tammy. You guys deserve it!

    I’ve seen Steel Magnolias three times and I’ve cried every time.


  2. Thanks Eileen! I’m not blogging as regularly as I was or used to think I should so it’s really lovely to see everyone still following along and enjoying my posts. Happy writing!


  3. Diane says:

    Thanks, but I want to keep all my internet friends and if I discuss things about myself on my blog, I will lose most of them. 🙂
    However, I do have your site linked already, and have just added Kerryn’s blog link and will read through the last few entries in a moment.
    Still, lovely thought, so thanks.
    Keep writing. 🙂


  4. Carrie Booth says:


    I can’t wait to read more of your blog…I, too, am a procrastinator…just ask my sisters! But I also love reading. And right now, it’s fantasy romance books for me…you know, vampires, werewolves, etc. But…my all time favorite trilogy is a set of books by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory. And dang it, I can’t remember what they are called now…but they are the best books I have ever read, I even read and re-read them seven times in a year! ‘Course, it helps that I was recovering from back surgery at the time! Okay, enough jabber, I just hope you continue your writing because I think you’ll be great at it!


    • ekcarmel says:

      Thanks, Carrie! I’ve read a few of Mercedes Lackey’s books and enjoyed them, but haven’t read the collaboration with James Mallory. I’ll have to check them out.


  5. Diane says:

    Me too! I have purchased every book by Mercedes Lackey that is available in Australia. To collect any more, I will have to order from Amazon or elsewhere over the internet. Off to do a search now. 🙂


  6. Oh spiral perms, a staple of my annual trip to the salon from years 12 to 16. And no I’m not embarrassed to admit that; I was mimicking my celebrity idol of that time, Julia Roberts. Gawd I was obsessed with her long, curly locks – how she’d flip them around and look so good doing it. LOL

    But I digress…THANK YOU for thinking of me, Eileen!

    You’re a rare type of Internet friend: one I’m sure I’d still like in the “real” world 😀 And not just because you gave me an award…you’re honest, sassy, funny and genuine, all of which I admire. So thank you again and I’ll get my post up as soon as I can.


  7. ekcarmel says:

    Leah, what a lovely, lovely thing to say – you made my day!

    I’m, well, honestly, I’m speechless.

    You’re very welcome and Thank YOU!


  8. Tammy McLeod says:

    Where have I been? What a lovely thing for you to write. Thank you so very much. I’ve been traveling a bit and haven’t been as active in the blogosphere but thank you so very very much!


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