The Long and Winding Road

No, sorry, this isn’t about the Beatles. It describes my writing week.

I had two fantastic writing days and the rest were so-so. It was those two days, though, that made it possible for me to get 4300 words this week and kept me motivated.

*doing a little happy dance*




9 comments on “The Long and Winding Road

  1. 5kidswdisabilities says:

    Oh!! My son hates it when I do the happy dance. But for 4300 words, I’d even sing!!!!


  2. You’re doing great. Keep up the good work!


  3. Dang, 4300 words! That’s great progress.


  4. Well done! I’m starting a new scene now.


  5. Wow! 4300 words in a BAD??? week? I wish.


    • ekcarmel says:

      Sorry, it’s a bit of a timing thing.

      I wrote the *post* about my writing week ending on July29th, so when I *commented* on Aug 1st, I was describing my current dismal writing week. Hope that helps clear up the miscommunication.


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