Five Ways To Snap Yourself Out Of The Blues

FlickrSadWe all get them once in a while:

The Blahs – when you and your world feel “off,” not normal, and you’re not sure why.

The Sads – when you are unhappy or disappointed by something specific.

Down in the Dumps – you feel unworthy and dejected due to a particular reason.

This is not about depression. That’s beyond the scope of my expertise. I’m talking temporary and (mostly) specific here. Feelings that last a day or two, maybe a week at the most.

For me, The Blues started a particular cycle. I’d let my feelings take over to the point I’d lash out at everyone around me. After the raging bitch was gone, remorse set in, and I’d apologize. We’d go along happily for a while and then the fun would start again.

After enough years of this highly unproductive cycle, I realized what a waste of time and energy it was.

Something needed to change.

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